Myths Persist When It Comes to Feeding Large-Breed Pups
Should You Feed Your Dog a Diet Marketed Specifically for Her Breed?
Where the Science Rubber Meets the Marketing Road: The Kibbles Shape
Pets on the Couch
Obesity Drugs and Surgery for Overweight Dogs?
Dear Doctor – Why grapes and raisins are a definite no
Dear Doctor – On feeding uncooked bones
Dear Doctor – Popcorn for the pooch
Fact or Fallacy? Dogs need to eat meat
[From Tufts May 2011 Issue]
While dogs need dietary protein and essential amino acids, and meat has proven to be an excellent source of both, they can meet their requirements from other sources such as egg, dairy and vegetable proteins like soy. However, the best canine diets for completeness, palatability and digestibility include some meat, says nutritionist Sally C. Perea, DVM, MS.
Are rawhide chews safe for dogs?
Can Dogs Chew on Elk Antlers?
Marijuana for What Ails A Dog?
Tommie Waters of Perryville, Arkansas, is confused. "Recently I received a catalogue selling dog-related products," she writes, "and I noted it had an item that sounded like marijuana. To quote the promotion: ‘Cannabidiol Wellness Dog Treats, infused with non-psychoactive cannabinoids and derived from organic hemp extract, are nutritious and delicious. Made with organic super food ingredients, the calming treats help ease a wide range of symptoms and issues such as appetite stimulation, anxiety, seizures, pain and joint muscle problems and can improve quality of life at the end of life. Handmade in the USA.'