Dear Doctor: The dog can’t stop sneezing
Q. We split our time between Dallas and Amelia Island off the coast of Florida. In both locations, our 13-year-old Pomeranian sneezes several times...
Q. Can the dog move into the senior living facility, too?
Q. At age 74, my mother is still mobile but shouldn’t really be living on her own anymore, and she has agreed that she’d...
Remove the Uterus During Spaying?
You’ve heard about the evidence that spaying a dog might predispose her to
certain cancers but have decided to spay your puppy, anyway. Your decision...
Why dogs get diabetes
Q. My beloved Maltese developed diabetes at age 8. I now need to give her two daily injections of insulin. She was never overweight....
How Long a Dog Should Fast Before Anesthesia
For healthy adult dogs about to undergo an operation, the American Animal Hospital Association now recommends a 4- to 6-hour fast prior to anesthesia....
Tongue and Gum Colors Provide Health Clues
Has your dog’s usual pink tongue color faded somewhat? Take her to the veterinarian. A tongue or gums that go from pink to paler...
Rabies Risk an Increasing Concern
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced a ban on dogs entering the United States from 113 “high-risk rabies countries,” including...
Where to Fill Your Dog’s Prescriptions
Your dog is prescribed the pain-relieving medicine gabapentin — a drug also commonly prescribed for people. Because it’s cheaper from a pharmacy for people...
Dear Doctor: The illness behind the anemia
Q. After some blood work, my dog was diagnosed with anemia. Now my vet wants to conduct a bunch of other tests. Can’t I...
Does Spaying or Neutering Really Lead to Weight Gain?
If you’ve recently had your dog spayed or neutered and it looks like your pet has put on a few, you’re probably not imagining...
Veterinary Visits By Video
Back in December 2019, before anyone had ever heard the term “social distancing,” telemedicine remained largely at the margins of veterinary care. The concept...
Is Your Arthritic Dog Depressed?
It is well known that depression is a hallmark of arthritis. Pain leads to a chemical stress response in the brain, and over time,...