10 Warning Signs of Cancer
In dogs, just like in people, cancer doesn’t tend to markedly affect life out of the blue. More frequently, signs of the disease progress...
The Growth of Bony Spurs Along the Spine
Your geriatric dog has begun walking very slowly and seems to be in pain, with perhaps a twist or weakness in his gait. He...
When a Testicle Doesn’t Descend
With reports coming out that neutering a male dog as a puppy can increase his risk for certain cancers, some people are opting to...
Advances in Veterinary Stem Cell Research
Stems cells used to research ways to cure canine diseases have come from parts of the body that include umbilical tissue, bone marrow, and...
Supplements for Age-Related Dementia?
An estimated 28 percent of dogs 11 to 12 years old develop at least one sign of canine cognitive dysfunction — the medical term...
When an Older Dog Struggles to Breathe
One of the most common diseases to strike a large dog who reaches the age of 10 or 12 makes it difficult to breathe....
A Critical Component of Kidney Disease Treatment: Less Stress
A dog diagnosed with chronic kidney failure should be switched to a diet prescribed by a veterinarian as soon as possible. It will contain...
Advances in Cancer Treatment
As recently as a decade ago, when a dog came in with cancer that had spread, “there was often nothing we could do,” says...
For the First Blood Transfusion, Blood Type Doesn’t Matter
Give a person blood from the wrong blood type, and she can suffer a life-threatening immune reaction as the antibodies in her body work...
Faster Wound Healing with New Technology
Tufts University has reportedly become the first veterinary facility in the U.S. to use a new treatment for speeding up wound healing in dogs...
Feeding Tube: It Sounds Worse Than It Is
The term “feeding tube” may conjure up an image of a terminally ill dog who’s so sick he doesn’t have the strength to swallow...
Dear Doctor: Surgery to bring back eyesight?
Q. My 10-year-old golden doodle was recently diagnosed with diabetes after years of enjoying good health. He is now on twice daily insulin injections....