Dog Got Dandruff?
If you see excessive dandruff on your dog’s body, he’s not unkempt. Rather, something has gone awry.
“This is not about observing mild dandruff on...
Diseases That “Jump” from Dogs to People
Information has been changing very fast when it comes to the spread of COVID-19, but as of this writing, there have been no reported...
A Puppy’s Urine Dribbling May Result from a Correctable Birth Defect
ectopic adjective (medicine): in an abnormal place or position.
■ Your puppy is now close to a year old, but she is still frequently...
Cysts On the Paws
It looks like a nasty red bump between two toes. You’ll tend to see one on larger breed dogs — Labrador or golden retrievers,...
Dear Doctor: Constant paw licking
Q. My 7-year-old terrier licks his paws constantly, as if they are itching. My groomer said it is just a dog’s habit, but I’m...
Old Dog Vestibular Disease
All of a sudden your dog’s head seems like it’s in a permanent tilt. And his eyes are darting to and fro, making him...
14 Ways to Relieve — or Prevent — Your Dog’s Pain
There was once a time that dogs did not even get pain medicine for procedures like spaying or neutering, says Tufts veterinary pain specialist...
Feeding the Dog with Diabetes
People who are diagnosed with diabetes are automatically advised to limit and carefully count their carbohydrates — not just those from the sugar in...
Dear Doctor: Cancer Vaccines
Q. I enjoyed your article in the April issue about new cancer treatments on the horizon. I’ve also heard there is something called a...
Dear Doctor: DVM or VMD?
Q. Usually the letters after a veterinarian’s name are DVM. But sometimes I see VMD. Is that a typo?
Julie DeVito
Levittown, Pennsylvania
Dear Ms. DeVito,
A. Nope,...
Dear Doctor: Cloudy Eyes
Q. Both of my 11-year-old dog’s eyes have gone cloudy. He has cataracts, doesn’t he? Will he need cataract surgery?
Oliver Pryor
Grapeland, Texas
Dear Mr. Pryor,
No Such Thing as a ‘Hypoallergenic’ Dog
We recently ran across this post on social media: “We’re thinking of getting a bichon frise, a cavalier King Charles spaniel, or a miniature...