Is it Cancer or a Problem with a Neck Gland?
Eleven-year-old bichon frise Cooper was feeling, well, not quite himself - a bit lethargic. His mom, Cherylann Hanrahan of Norwalk, Connecticut, was worried that it was her fault. A while back, she had started putting 1/4 teaspoon of crushed eggshells into his food on the advice of someone who told her it would improve his diets nutritional quality. Then, when she took him to the vet to see what was wrong with him, he had high blood calcium - 16 milligrams per tenth of a liter of blood as opposed to a healthy 9-to-11.7 milligrams. That made her concerned that she had put some kind of awful chain of events into motion. Egg shells are high in calcium, and the vet said that high calcium in the blood sometimes means cancer.
Marijuana Poisoning in Dogs on the Rise
As more states legalize medical marijuana (31 as we went to press) along with recreational pot (nine so far), more dogs are getting sick from it. They scarf down a discarded joint while out on a romp, for example, or snatch some unguarded marijuana-laced food off the kitchen counter. The Animal Poison Control Center says marijuana-related calls to its Pet Poison Hotline (855-764-7601) have increased 448 percent over the last six years. The ASPCAs Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435) has also seen a significant increase in calls about pets poisoned with marijuana. Ninety percent of the calls have been about dogs, who are much more adventurous eaters than cats.
Diagnosing Liver Disease in Dogs Just Got Easier
To date, diagnosing liver disease in a dog has meant performing an expensive and invasive biopsy. Thus, it often has not been found until late in the game, making treatment more involved and lowering the chances of survival. But a new finding at the Royal School of Veterinary Studies in Scotlands University of Edinburgh is about to change all that.
The Right Way to Perform CPR On Your Pet
Even the most loving dog owner probably wouldnt list mouth-to-snout as the preferred way of expressing affection for his pet. But what if it could save the life of a companion animal who has stopped breathing?
Dear Doctor: Tipping Point
What I would really like to know is how my 10-year-old mixed breed got a huge tumor both on and in his spine that showed no symptoms until he became suddenly paralyzed three weeks ago and had to be rushed to the emergency room, where he ended up having to be put to sleep?
Dear Doctor: Over-the-Counter Meds as Opposed to Prescription?
We have a shih tzu who has been diagnosed with dry eye in both eyes. Our veterinarian prescribed OPH Optimmune Ophthalmic Ointment, but the results are mixed at best, and at $65 per small tube we find it financially difficult to keep up a daily application routine. We had a suggestion from an ophthalmologist who treats people that we look into over-the-counter eye drops that contain oil, but he said we might have to try several before finding one that was right for our dog.
Extending a Dogs Life with a Pacemaker
He might not live through the night wasnt what Susan and Marty Gavin were expecting to hear. Yes, their 13-year-old cocker spaniel, Henry, had fallen over when he came up the stairs earlier that evening. But we thought the emergency room vet would say epilepsy or some sort of brain seizure, Henrys dad, Dr. Gavin, says. He fell on his side and was moving his limbs.
Progress in Treating Skin Disease
Some dogs suffer from a genetically inherited skin condition called ichthyosis. They are born with the disease, and the skin becomes drier, scalier-looking, and more prone to infections with age. Thats because the skin barrier - the bodys envelope - breaks down and loses its ability to keep out foreign substances. (The disease strikes people, too. Infants who have it usually develop abnormal-looking skin within the first year of life.)
Dear Doctor: The Dog Cant Urinate
For the last day or two my dog has stopped urinating. He strains and maybe a few drops come out, but theres no stream to speak of. I know that a dog will sometimes miss a bowel movement. Is this the same thing?
Free Vaccines for Life
Google free vaccines for life and you will see page after page of veterinary practices that engage in this very type of program - free vaccines annually for dogs who are patients at these clinics. They all operate a bit differently, but heres the gist. If you take your dog to the clinic once a year for her wellness visit, vaccines deemed necessary at that time will be given at no cost.
A Manmade Dog Illness
English bulldogs, French bulldogs, pugs, Boston terriers, boxers, Pekingese, Lhasa apsos, shih tzus, affenpinschers, Japanese chins, Cavalier King Charles spaniels. These are many, but not quite all, of the breeds considered brachycephalic, meaning they have pushed-in faces. And people love them. Their impossibly adorable big eyes, flat noses, and heads that are often large in relation to the rest of their bodies are the very qualities that draw us to infants, and we want to hug these dogs up. Indeed, the French bulldog and the English bulldog are numbers 4 and 5, respectively, on the list of the most popular breeds in America.
Three Possible Reasons a Dog Wont Stop Panting In the Car
Frances Fineberg of Oviedo, Florida, is worried for her two-year-old golden retriever, Amos, and for good reason. He hates going in the car, but the Fineberg family is about to take him on a vacation that involves an 8-hour road trip. They cant board him while they are away because he is a service dog. Ms. Fineberg believes its not the heat of the car thats causing the problem.