Dear Doctor – How could she not have noticed the kidney disease?
Since my dog is already 11, her veterinarian wanted to do some routine blood work to clear her for the anesthesia she was going to need for her yearly dental cleaning. The doctor gave her the green light for the anesthesia but said the blood test indicated that she might have chronic kidney failure. This has since been confirmed with an analysis of her urine in addition to imaging of her kidneys. The vet says she could potentially live for several more years but that she must begin treatment right away. How could I have missed this?
Ten Signs Your Dog Feels Stressed
Sometimes its easy to tell when your dog feels stressed - during loud fireworks displays, perhaps, or when he doesnt want to get out of the car in the parking lot of the veterinarians office. But there are signs of stress in our canine loved ones that can come across more subtly. What are they, and what can you do to calm your dog during those times that anxiety has gotten the better of him?
Budgeting for Pet Health Insurance Now Can Save You Heartache – and Wallet Ache...
I think at the end of the day it will probably be a wash, says Stacy Toczylowski, referring to the amount she pays on health insurance for her Jack Russell terrier, Bella, and the amount her dogs medical care actually costs. In other words, she believes that all told, the money the pet health insurance company reimburses her for Bellas care will essentially equal the amount she will have shelled out on the monthly premium. Still, she is not sorry that she bought a healthcare policy for her beloved dog. Why not?
Dear Doctor – Different vets with different views on aspirin?
In your October article on Sharing the Medicine Chest with your dog, you made no mention of aspirin. My veterinarian has prescribed 81 milligrams of aspirin twice a day for my 13-year-old border terrier, who has trouble climbing stairs and going for her walks. My friends vet has told her not to give aspirin to her German shorthaired pointer. What is the verdict on whether to use aspirin for pain in dogs?
Your Role in Cutting Down on Health Problems in Purebred Dogs
People who rail against the intentional breeding of dogs point to the fact that there are already many mixed-breed dogs in this country who end up in shelters waiting to be adopted. For that reason, they say, nobody needs to be purposely mating dogs to create more pets still. They also argue that too many breeds have inbred problems - Dachshunds with herniated discs, pugs with faces so flat and noses so narrow they cant breathe, shar peis with so many wrinkles in their skin they keep developing skin infections, and so on.
Dear Doctor – The Dog Wont Pee Where Shes Supposed To
I have a golden Lab, and she has a 14-foot by 14-foot fenced-in area in which to run around and go to the bathroom. But she steps off our deck and urinates right in front of the stairs there, or she runs around the pen and comes back and then urinates in front of the steps. How do I get her to go somewhere else? Is there something I can put down to discourage her from urinating there?
Study Involving Tufts Shows That Treating Congestive Heart Failure Before It Develops Can Extend...
Unlike for most people, heart disease for dogs is not about heart attacks resulting from clogged arteries attributable to excessively rich diets, extra pounds, and lack of physical activity. Most often, its about a genetic predisposition to a faulty mitral valve - the valve that separates the left ventricle from the left atrium.
How Vets Think
A dog is brought to the clinic because she is both urinating more than ever and also drinking more than ever. The condition is referred to by veterinarians as PU/PD, which stands for polyuria-polydipsia - the medical term for over-urinating/over-drinking. What could it be? Diabetes? Something else?
Dear Doctor – Clinical exam for an older dog
The ins and outs of a clinical exam for an older dog
Q I often hear the term clinical exam, as in, I cant diagnose your dog without a clinical exam, but what does that mean, exactly? How does a clinical exam differ from a regular exam? I ask because I have a 10-year-old dog and its time for her clinical exam, but Im wondering if she really needs one.
Dear Doctor – Dog diagnosed with lymphoma
Q My beagle was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. Treatment has been slow, as her white blood cell counts have dropped with each dose of the chemotherapy drug doxyrubicin and they have to keep delaying the next round of the medicine. The last dose almost killed her. But I was wondering, could her sensitivity to the drug be a positive indicator that it is working?
Dealing with Canine Diabetes
Carolyn and Wayne Vines 12-year-old West Highland terrier, Mac, started drinking a lot more water than he usually did, and he started eating quite a bit more, too. We usually leave kibble down for Mac to snack on when he wants in addition to giving him his regular wet-food meals, and all of a sudden the kibble was always completely gone, Mrs. Vine says.
The Whys and Wherefores of Canine Diabetes – and Why a Dog with the...
The reason diabetes causes more thirst and urination is that in an effort to rid the blood of excess sugar, also called glucose, the sugar spills into the kidneys, pulling water with it and thereby leading to the creation of more urine. Where glucose goes, water follows. And the more a dog urinates, the more hes going to want to drink.