Why does Cappy lick his owners hand?
[From Tufts August 2011 Issue]
Last year I purchased a 3-month-old mahogany colored poodle with green eyes - a beautiful dog. I have had mostly springer spaniels for many years, and this guy has a habit that stumps me.Cappy will take my wrist or hand gently in his mouth and rub his tongue across my skin. I have asked many experts what he is doing, but none can come up with an answer except, He owns you. Is there some reason he does this?
Irene Byington
Shelter Island, N.Y.
Does a warm, dry nose indicate illness?
[From Tufts December 2011 Issue]
Folk wisdom has long held that a warm, dry nose means a dog is sick. Veterinarians frequently hear the comment from owners, says Michael Stone, DVM, a specialist in small animal medicine at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, but the truth is that its a fallacy in most cases.
My dog Murphy suffers from an oil-gland disorder
A disease of the long bones in dogs
The Trick to Giving Your Dog Liquid Medicine Via Oral Syringe
Bernie the Bernese mountain dog
Similar-looking conditions affect the muzzle
Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Dogs
Can Dogs Get Skin Infections from Grooming?
Q We have a Samoyed, about nine years old and in good health. Recently, he was shaved head to tail for an accumulation of burrs. Our previous groomer had not been brushing him well (its quite an event to brush him-he has a huge mane of white fur and a lot of undercoating), and the new groomer ended up having to shave him almost completely, even around the neck area. There were burrs embedded everywhere.
Dear Doctor – Preventing diabetes in dogs
Q I know that people can help prevent diabetes by staying trim and active. I assume thats true for dogs, too, right?
Christian Chase
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Anesthesia Drugs for a Dog
"We don't give the same anesthesia drugs to every patient," says Tufts veterinary surgeon, John Berg, DVM, Your Dog's editor-in-chief. "We adjust protocols for every dog to make the procedure as safe as possible for the individual." For instance, he says, "there are anesthesia drugs that have minimal effects on the heart and others that affect the heart more. So for a dog with cardiac disease, we'll probably go with an anesthetic agent that doesn't impact the heart so much.
Ticks lie in wait in vegetation for dogs to brush by
Warm weather is prime season for ticks. The parasites can transmit infectious disease, such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, or even paralysis, because of a toxin in their salvia.
We asked Michael Stone, DVM, board-certified in small animal medicine at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, how owners can protect their dogs from ticks. His response:
Unfortunately, tick control is more difficult than flea control. Even with the use of anti-tick products, youll still find an occasional tick on your dogs coat. Adult ticks most commonly migrate to the ears, around the neck and between the toes.