Does Your Dog Snore? It May Be A Cause for Concern
The many causes of conjunctivitis in dogs
Conjunctivitis is a common eye problem in dogs, but that doesnt mean its necessarily a simple one to treat. Quite often, the condition is a symptom of a potentially more serious problem. It occurs when the conjunctiva, the very thin layer of clear tissue on the outer surface of the eye, becomes inflamed, resulting in whats colloquially known as pink eye.
The inflammation is usually secondary to another problem, often a lid abnormality or dry eye, says ophthalmologist Chris Pirie, DVM, at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. The key is to recognize and treat the underlying cause.
Common Problems with Dogs’ Muzzles
Keeping An Older Dog’s Weight Stable
Protecting Your Puppy from Parvovirus
Back Pain in Dogs: Its Serious
The Case of Buxley
Dr. Google, Paging Dr. Google
Many pet owners love to consult Dr. Google, says Tufts veterinarian Alicia Karas, DVM, facetiously. Not that she doesnt understand the allure.
Its tempting, she comments, right there at your fingertips. Its free, she adds. And it seems spot on. My dog is limping - how can I get her through this without a visit to the vet? Ah, heres the answer.
The problem, Dr. Karas says, is that not even the best pet-related sites on the Internet can walk you through how to take care of your own particular dog with his own particular circumstances. There are just too many variables. The issue gets particularly serious when it comes to dispensing drugs.
Your Dog May Not Be Getting Enough Vitamin D
Decreased Immunity in Older Dogs
One of the most common questions people ask veterinarians as their dog gets older is whether she still needs her vaccinations. In fact, a lot of people with dogs skip the vaccinations in later years, figuring that their pet has already been vaccinated against various illnesses a number of times and has gotten sick to that point, so why put the animal through more shots? It's a grave mistake. Older dogs need their shots even more than when they were young and middle-aged. The immune system, like other body systems, slows down in old age, making a dog more susceptible not only to diseases such as cancer but also to infections. She simply cannot mount a sufficient immune response to illnesses she might have been able to ward off in her younger days.
Feeding Your Healthy, Older Dog
Investigating Nighttime Panic in dogs
Eleven-year-old Tate, a German shepherd, has started to have anxiety attacks, usually at night, says her owner Sharon Nevins of Berne, New York. When they occur she pants, shakes, and is unable to settle down. It happened twice last winter and then three times in November. It takes three to four hours before they pass. Tate has been seen by her vet, who performed...