When a Dog Dies Suddenly for an Unknown Reason, Should You Request a Necropsy?

Most often, people with dogs have to make a decision about euthanasia when a disease overtakes the animal’s health to the point that his...

A canine cancer that’s contagious?

Q: Someone told me they read about a cancer that a dog can give to another dog, kind of like the way you can...

Life-Threatening Hazard for Dogs Who Enjoy Ponds, Lakes, and Rivers

From Texas to Oregon, North Carolina, Vermont, and many other states, dogs have died after swimming in water contaminated with blue-green algae, sometimes within...

In It For the Long Game

You probably already know that the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, on average. Chihuahuas and Chinese cresteds can live up to 17...

On Whether Dogs Get Psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the most common skin ailments to befall people, as evidenced by the endless parade of ads for medications to combat...

Reaction to the leptospirosis vaccine?

Q: We have had three Shetland sheepdogs over the last 15 years, and all of the breeders have told us not to give a...

Using 3D Modeling to Heal Dogs

Perhaps you’ve seen television footage of surgeons talking about preparing for the separation of conjoined twins by practicing the operation on 3D models that...

Shared Decision Making

In human medicine there is a term called “shared decision making.” It means that the patient is provided with the best available evidence about...

What’s Dental About Dental Chews?

Your dog absolutely loves his dental chews. They are among his favorite treats. But do they really protect his teeth? If the package has...

Why is the left atrium on the right?

Q: In your article about congestive heart failure in the January issue, you had an illustration that showed the left atrium and the left...

When Your Male Dog Urinates Like a Girl

You know how it works. Male dogs lift a leg to urinate; females squat. But sometimes a male dog squats to void urine as...

New Drug to Treat Pancreatitis

As many as one in 50 dogs suffers from acute pancreatitis, sudden and life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas that causes painful pressure around the...