Dogs Can Get Monkeypox
Cases of monkeypox have fallen substantially — a good thing. But the painful disease is still out there, and dogs can and do...
Detecting Flea Bites
It’s easy to see flea bites on ourselves because we’re not covered head to toe in dense hair. The telltale raised red dots...
Left-Sided Versus Right-Sided Congestive Heart Failure In Your Dog
Our clients who come to see us at our hospital for small animals often become extremely alarmed if we say their dog has heart...
Your Dog Can Die From Licking Your Topical Medicine
Fluorouracil cream is prescribed for people to apply to their skin to treat a number of conditions. These include warts; skin cancers such...
Stress Appears to Cause Premature Graying in Dogs, Too
You know how the stress of four years in the White House can turn even a relatively young president prematurely gray? Turns out those...
A Non-Core Vaccine That May Be Critical For Your Dog
In recent years, there appears to have been a global jump in dogs with leptospirosis, a life-threatening bacterial disease that affects the liver and...
More toes on the back feet than the front?
Q: I’ve noticed my dog has five toes on each of his front feet and four on each of his back feet? Is
that normal?
Don’t Try to Remove the Porcupine Quills Yourself!
Porcupines don’t live in the south (except for the mountains of Virginia) but do reside in the rest of the country. And where they...
Dogs Who Don’t Exercise Regularly Appear At Much Greater Risk for Dementia
An inactive dog is between six and seven times likelier to have dementia than a dog of the same age and breed who engages...
Short Takes November 2022
Bladder Cancer: Much More Serious In Dogs
n Any type of malignant tumor is serious, of course, but the good news for people is that...
Antibiotics Losing Their Effectiveness in Dogs, Too
You’ve probably heard of antibiotic resistance — the ability of bacteria that are causing an infection to resist the workings of the antibiotics prescribed...
Dear Doctor November 2022
Braces for Fido
Q: My vet said my young dog needs braces. Can that possibly be right?
Elsie Schwartz
Chicago, Illinois
Dear Ms. Schwartz,
A: Yes. It’s not for...