Eight Types of Beds
Every dog should have a bed. Its a go-to spot they love, whether to snuggle, snooze, or get a good nights rest. But which bed is best? It depends on your canine pals proclivities, health conditions, and age. A dogs bed needs to change through the years, and you may want to switch beds as she gets older. Here are eight types of beds, along with features that may suit a dogs specific needs.
Whos Going to Take the Greyhounds No Longer Racing in Florida?
With the state of Florida banning greyhound racing by the end of 2020 in a historic November vote, that means only six dog tracks will be left in a smattering of other states: Arkansas, Alabama, Iowa, Texas, and West Virginia. Its a boon for the greyhounds, as dog racing is not a sport. Its a gambling industry that treats the dogs like dice, which is to say, as if they werent sentient beings. Theyre kept in small cages up to 23 hours a day, with their welfare consistently coming after earnings; a dog dies on the track every three days in Florida alone.
Your Legal Right to Take Your Pet Along When Being Evacuated
Thanks to a law known as the PETS Act, not just service animals but also plain old household pets must be included in any emergency preparedness operational plans by state and local authorities. And FEMA must provide rescue, care, shelter, and essential needs for both humans and pets following a major disaster or emergency. With that in mind, the American Kennel Club (AKC) says that if you plan accordingly, listen to your local authorities, and remain calm, you and your dog will be able to evacuate as smoothly as possible in the event of, say, a hurricane, wildfire, or other disaster.
Dear Doctor: Whats in a number, when that number is a dogs age?
Is it really seven people years for every year of a dogs life?
New Exhibit on the Hero Dogs of 9/11
In the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack at New York Citys World Trade Center, thousands of people arrived from all over to help in whatever ways they could. So did hundreds of dogs, who put their lives on the line digging through smoldering debris in search and rescue missions (the last living person was found in the wreckage by a dog 27 hours later) and also as cadaver dogs trained to find human remains. In addition, many worked as therapy dogs to comfort traumatized and grieving people in shock.
Your Kid Has Asthma? The Dog Doesnt Need to be Re-Homed
Theres a common belief that once a child has been diagnosed with asthma, any dog (or cat) who lives under the same roof as the youngster should be re-homed because asthma leads to allergies, including allergies to pets. But according to the results of a new study from Nationwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, that belief is nothing more than urban legend - as long as the child is properly treated for his condition.
Can You Pass the Remote?
My son John was a year old, sitting on the couch sucking a milk bottle while watching a childrens French video, when the video ended and he found himself suddenly at the start of a Law and Order episode. My wife didnt quite realize there had been a transition until she heard John pop the bottle out of his mouth and utter Uh oh. By the time she made it to the family room to see what was going on, he had already calmly popped the bottle back into his mouth. But on the TV screen, a woman who had been pushed off the balcony near the top of a tall building was lying dead in a bush.
Choosing a Final Good-Bye Away from the Vets Office
For 16 years, California resident Jennifer Mickadeit adored her mixed-breed dog, Zowie. The loyal pooch was her companion through a divorce, new marriage, and the birth of her daughter, Lola Rose. So when Zowies failing health made it clear that it was time to make end-of-life decisions, Ms. Mickadeit wanted to ensure her death would be as comfortable - and intimate - as possible.
The End of a Pub Era?
With some 1,000 locations throughout the UK, including at hotels and airports, the Wetherspoons chain of pubs has instituted a no dog policy. It has actually had such a policy in place for decades but never really put teeth into it.
Out-of-the-Box Gift Ideas for Your Dog to Take Out of the Box
Fully 95 percent of dog owners buy Christmas gifts for their pets, according to a survey reported on by Pet Age. On the one hand, it may seem silly. After all, dogs dont understand the holidays. They dont even understand what a holiday is. On the other hand, making sure the dog gets some attention by presenting her with a gift on a day that her routine is completely thrown off, often with people on the scene who she doesnt know or hardly knows, can be a nice way of remembering that she likes being in and also needs some focus to feel secure.
Running (or Biking) With the Dogs
All too few dogs engage in enough physical activity, which not only contributes to the epidemic of unhealthful excess weight in an estimated two in five of our canine companions but also leads to behavioral issues. Problems like whining, panting, barking, and aggression could be ameliorated with regular aerobic activity that gets the heart rate up and excess energy out. Some veterinary experts even put vigorous physical activity in front of training, diet, and other measures as a mood stabilizer and overall calming influence - no surprise to people habituated to using a good workout to lift their spirits and get the venom out.
Shedding Concerns
Some dogs are big shedders, and sometimes they shed even more than usual. No owner relishes constantly sweeping up a home full of dog hair tumbleweed, but many are also worried its a sign of ill health when the shedding ramps up out of nowhere; they raise the issue with us frequently. Is it the sign of a problem?