Few Deaths from Dog Attacks Each Year, and Theyre Largely Preventable

Exceedingly few people die from dog bites or other types of canine attacks. In fact, very few people die because of altercations with animals of any kind. In a study released in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine this year, researchers combing data from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention found that during the eight years spanning 2008 to 2015, only about 200 people a year died from unfortunate interactions with animals. Farm animals like horses, cows, and pigs, along with other mammals that included cats and raccoons, were responsible for the most deaths to people - 72 per year. Next came deaths from venomous animals - not snakes so much but, rather, hornets, wasps, and bees. They resulted in an average of 60 deaths each year.

A Museum Devoted to Dachshunds

Plan a trip to Bavaria, and perhaps visions of Hansel and Gretel-style houses, Black Forest Cake, and cuckoo clocks will dance in your head. But dachshunds?

City Dogs, Country Dogs – Theres Something for All of Them

Cant think of new fun things to do with your dog this summer? Why not take her to Barnes & Noble with you? Or Macys? Or Tiffanys, for a little bling?

4 Ways to a Happier Deaf Dog

Consider how you would feel if you believed yourself to be alone and then suddenly felt a hand on your back. Or if you didnt see any cars coming and stepped into the road, not having heard an auto screeching toward you from just around the corner. Thats how it is for deaf dogs, either because they were born that way or lost their hearing over time.

Barbra Streisand Cloned Her Dog. Should You Clone Yours?

In a Variety article this past winter that mined her thoughts on the #MeToo Movement, Barbra Streisand mentioned in passing that she cloned her beloved Coton de Tulear, Samantha, and had two of the three knockoffs at home with her - Miss Violet and Miss Scarlet. The article focused on Ms. Streisands having broken a lot of glass ceilings in Hollywood both as a director and a producer, but what went viral was the dog cloning, with articles popping up on the online sites of People Magazine, Time, Vanity Fair, National Geographic, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and too many other media outlets to mention. Just type Barbra in the Google search bar, and Barbara Streisand dog appears as one of the choices to click on, with 14 straight pages of listings on this particular story.

Welcoming Jen Reeder to Our Fold

It was after the mayhem in Charlottesville last summer that journalist Jen Reeder thought of examining the concept that some dogs act racist - or can be trained to seem racist, even if unintentionally. It wasnt that dogs were involved in any of the violence - simply the notion that in so many ways the country divides along racial lines, with dogs often in the mix. (Who hasnt seen those photos of attack dogs used to intimidate, and harm people, in racially fraught situations?)

Dog Walking: the Good, the Bad, and the Lazy

Fitness experts say we should each try to take about 10,000 steps a day, which amounts to walking five miles - or about 1,800 miles a year. Well, guess what? If you have a dog, youre covering 1,000 of those miles by walking him. Thats the latest from British pet food manufacturer Harringtons, which surveyed 2,000 dog owners. Their dog walking lasted 34 minutes, on average, and covered just under 2 miles.

Score One For the Dogs

A Massachusetts man who abused his dog so viciously that the animal had to be put down will serve eight to 10 years in prison for his offense, followed by a two-year probation upon his release. He also is never allowed to own a dog again.

Choosing the Breeder Before Choosing the Puppy

We are big fans of choosing an adult dog in need of a home from a shelter or pound. Its not just good for the dog; there are a lot of advantages for the person, too. Puppies can be exhausting. Their boundless energy combined with the need to take them out to piddle in the middle of night and teach them not to chew the furniture and everything else in sight takes a lot of energy - and sleeplessness.

Dog as Wingman

Guys in search of a relationship, forget spending grueling hours at the gym in an attempt to make your body more buff and therefore more attractive to women. Just get a dog. Research published in the journal Anthrozoos: a multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals, found that men with a dog have an easier time getting a womans phone number.

Biting the Hand that Quakes

As a dog owner, youve no doubt observed that people who are nervous around dogs are the ones who often bring out their aggressive tendencies. It makes sense: nervous people beget nervous canines who act out by trying to work through their jitters via aggression. Now research makes the point empirically.

May 2018 – Full Issue PDF

May 2018 - Full Issue PDF