Dear Doctor – January 2016

Dog likes a certain type
Q I really enjoyed your article in the September issue entitled My Dog Hates Other Dogs. That describes Milo. I adopted him three years ago when his owner surrendered him. He lived with four other dogs and a parrot and had to be given up because he had become aggressive toward the bird. He is also reactive when he sees other dogs, and I have to work to keep a good distance.…

Why We Were Able to Get Rosie

When our son, John, was about eight years old and we already had Franklin the border collie mix for about a year, he started gunning for a shiba inu. He also said he wanted it to be a puppy. We finally gave in, telling John that the new dog had to be a rescue (like Franklin). Our thinking was that it would never happen. Puppy rescues of a particular breed, especially an unusual breed…

Why Arent They Just Called Veterinary Nurses?

You will often see in the pages of Your Dog that we use the term veterinary technician and then say, in parentheses, veterinary nurse. Why arent veterinary technicians just called veterinary nurses in the first place? Good question, and its one that the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) has been asking, too. In fact, that organization, which represents vet techs, as they are called colloquially, has begun having conversations with state, national,…

One-On-One with Veterinary Technician Gail Berthiaume

o learn a little more about how a veterinary technician (veterinary nurse) carries out her responsibilities, we sat down with vet tech Gail Berthiaume,...

Ill Never Yell At My Dog Again

Remember the time your dog (pick one) ate the turkey off the kitchen counter; rolled in another dogs excrement; scared that nice old lady who lives across the street; or wouldnt come when you called, and you yelled at him to behave? Howd that work out for you? Yup, that has been our experience, too. Yelling at a dog is about as useful a solution for getting him to change his behavior as getting him…

The Low-Down on Hypoallergenic Dogs

From Tufts October 2012 Issue

[From Tufts October 2012 Issue]

Malia is allergic, said President Obama about his elder daughter when the family was looking for a dog, so it has to be hypoallergenic. There are a number of breeds that are hypoallergenic.

If only his Cabinet had a Secretary of Canine Concerns. Theres no such thing as a guarantee that a dog will not cause an allergic reaction, even though the Internet brims with lists of so-called hypoallergenic dogs; even though the American Kennel Club itself names almost a dozen hypoallergenic breeds; and even though many people believe that …

Why does her min pin panic at doggie day care?

[From August 2012 Issue]

My miniature pincher, 11, has been with me every day for the past five years. I tried to take her to doggy daycare and she throws a panicky fit. She hyperventilates and claws to get me to pick her up and take her home. I feel tied to my home. Can you give me some advice?
Sheryl Sullivan
Camendton, Mo.

I appreciate your concerns regarding your dogs panic and also respect that you feel tied to your home. Please permit me a moment on my soapbox: While some dogs flourish in social arenas such as day care and dog parks, others are devastatingly overwhelmed. Contrary to popular propaganda that touts pack order - as opposed to scientifically accurate data - not all dogs appreciate other dogs company. It has to do with many factors, …

Dear Doctor – December 2015

Comparing veterinary practices
Q I was recently at a social outing with friends, many of whom are animal owners. Talk turned to various ailments and stages of their dogs' lives and where people took their dogs for healthcare. The following comment came up more than once: ‘I would NEVER go there.' As a surgical nurse reviewer for people who collect outcomes data for a major hospital, that got me thinking. Is there any such database in veterinary…

A Salad Dressing Approach to Cleansing your dog

Coincidence, or wry cosmic humor? Only the two black and white dogs Ive ever had in my life ended up sprayed by skunks. Ellies first skunking occurred during an elegant dinner party we were throwing for a friends birthday. We took her out for a quick romp in the middle of the festivities and bam, she got it right between the eyes…and all over her muzzle and flank. Even the lobster thermidor we served couldnt…

Science Proves It: Enthusiastic Greetings Bolster Attachments and Mood

You may already know not to make too huge a deal about leaving your dog home alone, whether for a little while or for much of the day. You want to say good-bye, yes, but turning parting into such sweet sorrow will only give your canine loved one the clearest message that every separation is emotionally painful. A stroke on the side of the muzzle and a chipper Watch the house while Im gone…

Something Under the Tree for Your Canine Loved One

Americans are estimated to spend about $30 on Christmas and Hanukkah gifts for their four-legged friends, according to the American Pet Products Association. Most of those purchases for their furry family members are toys with some special foods thrown in for good measure. If youre among those who treat their dog to a few tennis balls and squeakies during the season of giving, you may want to consider some newer takes on old favorites. …