When (and Whether) to Spay or Neuter your dog

I will not be renewing my subscription, one Your Dog reader wrote, because of the misinformation you gave on the appropriate age to spay/neuter. Not only that, I will also encourage all my dog club members to cancel any subscriptions that they may have. Shame on you!!!

This person is referring to our comment in the August issue that most female dogs should be spayed by the age of six months.

Dear Doctor – November 2015

Q I just read your September article on the canine flu. There was no mention of the flu vaccine. Are you in favor of giving dogs this injection?
Melanie Tucker
New York, New York

Dear Ms. Tucker,
A There is currently no vaccine against the strain of canine flu virus — H3N2 — that made the rounds this past year. There are two vaccines available against an older strain — H3N8 — that first appeared more than 10 years ago.

Leaving the Dog When Leaving Town

Im quite sure Rosie would throw us over for Carla Barlow in a heartbeat. Rosie loves us, no doubt. But on some level, Carla is her true love. She starts doing her weird, longing bark that sounds like a bumble bee buzzing whenever she sees Carla coming - or sees Carlas Weimaraner Willow, which means Carla cant be far behind. She jumps all over Carla and licks her face when Carla bends down to her.…

How to make Fido feel more at home while you’re away

Because you love your dog, your heart is heavy when you travel and have to leave him behind. So is your dogs. He hates being dropped off at the kennel, with its cages and noise and, no matter how great the staff, the somewhat limited attention he receives in your absence. Perhaps he lets you know it by that telltale beseeching look and cowering stance as you give him one last pet before making …

Is Your Dog Going as Anything for Halloween?

I guess I personally am not one for dressing up dogs, says Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, Director of the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic, when the question is posed to him about whether he will outfit his two pooches for Halloween. My dogs do take to their orange jackets during hunting season pretty well, he says. When Im done getting them ready to walk in the woods, there they are, these two little orange tubes tucked in…

Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs

North Shore Animal League America offers some prudent tips for Halloween night.1. Make sure your pets have on identification at all times. With that front door continuously opening and closing for trick-or-treaters, there is a chance they could run out - especially if they're spooked. Give your pets a quiet, safe place on Halloween. Scary parties, constant doorbell ringing, or too …

Dear Doctor – October 2015

Pain after abdominal surgery Q My dog is supposed to undergo abdominal surgery, but I am worried about the aftermath. When my father had abdominal surgery, he was so tender at the spot that it took at least six weeks before he was able to walk again without pain. I hate to put my dog through that, but I know he needs the operation. Hes a very active dog. How will I be able to keep…

When a Pet Dies

When I was little and didnt have a sister yet, my best friend was a brown, wire-haired mongrel named Mitzi. We shared joyous times, exciting times and sad times. We got scared together when there was thunder and lightening, and together we crawled under the bed until they went away. When I wasnt scared of them any more, Mitzi still was, so I comforted her and felt all the braver.

If Your Dog Smokes

Eighteen out of every 100 adults in the U.S. smokes. If anyone in your household is a smoker, so is your dog. And her risk for cancer is greater than for other dogs. Research at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine has already shown that cats living in homes with smokers are at increased risk for lymphoma, and perhaps oral cancer, too. In fact, they are almost two and a half times as likely to…