He may or may not remember the moment, just like a person. But he’ll remember the love.

Do Dogs Have Good Memories?

We frequently say in Your Dog that to teach your pet a trick, you must reward him immediately after he follows through on the...
If a dog leans against you, she’s letting you know she’s looking for a physical connection.

The Right Way to Approach a Dog You Don’t Know

How many times have you seen someone try to make friends with a dog they don’t know by closing their hand into a fist...
Author Jenna Blum with Woodrow, on the way home from one of his last trips to the beach.

Woodrow on the Bench

It’s hard to imagine that a book chronicling the last months of a beloved dog’s life could be anything other than heartbreakingly sad. But...
Sometimes a dog in a plain brown wrapper makes the best pet.

How Not to Choose a Dog

It’s easy to go to a shelter and fall in love with a little white dog that has fluffy curls, or a beautiful merle...
When you use the wrong words to describe your dog’s behavior, you could be misunderstanding his good intentions.

Words Can Harm Your Dog

You know the jingle, “Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words can never harm me.” It doesn’t apply when it comes to...
Some dogs left alone for too long become extremely anxious. In their fear, they start tearing the house apart.

How Long is Too Long to Leave Your Dog Home Alone?

Search engine results tell you it’s safe to leave your dog home for 4 hours, but perhaps your gut instinct tells you otherwise. Your...
Nope, tennis balls are not the greatest choking hazard. But they’re up there.

The Greatest Choking Hazard

Any number of objects can become stuck in your dog’s windpipe or at the back of his throat and create a choking hazard —...
This Saint Bernard puppy, a future gentle giant, requires less calcium in his diet than smaller breeds.

For Giant-Breed Puppies, Less — Not More — Calcium

It would appear to make sense that a dog such as a Great Dane or Saint Bernard, or even a Labrador retriever, needs a...

Its Their Eyebrows That Make Us Love Them

You know that sad, wistful, puppy dog look our pets often get when theyre trying to communicate their needs to us, the way they make their eyes look bigger and more baby-like? Researchers reporting in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences have just discovered that dogs can achieve that look because of a small muscle above each of their eyes that allows them to intensely raise their inner eyebrows. Thats all it takes to bring out the nurturer in us.
Sometimes a dog who seems like he doesn’t want to live anymore has an illness that’s eminently treatable. Don’t make a life-or-death decision without talking to your veterinarian.

A Good Death

One of the sad parts of our work is walking over to the clinic from our offices and seeing someone sitting outside on a...
Not the harmless activity it may seem.

Why Chewing Sticks Is a Bad Idea

We’ve all seen dogs who are perennial stick chewers. No sooner do they get outside than they pick up a stick and start chomping...

They’re Being Polite, Not Disrespectful

Two common dog behaviors may annoy some people, but they’re actually a dog’s way of showing respect and making it clear that she is...