Dear Doctor: Bed sharing not working
Q. We thought we’d enjoy having our dog sleep in the bed with us, and we were fine with it when he was a...
A Dog’s Life After the Pandemic
As COVID-19 made most of us shut-ins to some degree, the dogs who live with us have enjoyed more of our company. And it...
Dog As Ring Bearer
A growing number of couples plan to make their dog part of their wedding ceremony, according to a press release we recently received. Apparently,...
We Love Them As If We’ve Birthed Them
More than four in 10 people adopt a dog (or cat) as a kind of test run to see if they’re ready to have...
Keep Your Dog Cool in the Heat
Because dogs sweat only through their footpads and noses, they do not release excess body heat as efficiently as people, who sweat through their...
Bring Me My Slippers
How is it that some people are able to train their dogs to perform complicated tricks, like rolling over and playing dead — or...
Will the Teething and Nipping Ever End?
A puppy’s adult teeth generally start to come in when she reaches the age of 3 months. It hurts; the new teeth have to...
Stigma-Free Pet Surrender
As recently as the 1980s and early 90s, there was a prevailing notion among animal advocates that people who gave up their dogs were...
It Was Women Who Bonded Us to Dogs
When you think of dogs and people in prehistoric times, perhaps what comes to mind is a vision of men and their canine pets...
Little Yappy Dogs
Imagine if short, slight people were laughed at and called “cute” every time they acted aggressively, or even rudely? Or if they were coddled...
‘Trying on’ Parenting With a Dog
You need watch only two or three episodes of House Hunters on HGTV to figure out that a lot of young couples preview what...
A Dog’s Top 4 Easter Hazards
The ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center says four things top the list of Easter dangers for dogs and should be kept out of their...