Dear Doctor: Do dog owners have a higher risk of contracting COVID-19?

Q. I read in my local paper that regularly walking a dog increases the chances that you will get the coronavirus — by more...
Introducing a puppy to new people is hard to do right now, but there are other ways you can help socialize a very young dog.

Adjusting Puppies to People

“There’s a lot of mythology out there about not exposing puppies to the outside world until they’ve had all their vaccines,” says Tufts veterinary...

How Long to Wait Before Getting a Next Dog?

What is the right amount of time to wait before getting a new dog after a beloved pet dies? One Month? Two? Six? The answer...
Fine, but the dog can’t lie around all week and then do this just on Saturday and Sunday.

Too Many Dogs Are Weekend Warriors

Our dogs are a nation of couch potatoes during the week and warriors on weekends,” just like we are,” says Tufts University veterinary pain...
Options abound for dogs who are miserable recuperating with their heads in hard plastic cones.

No More E-Collar Misery

There’s nothing more pitiful than a dog having to navigate his way around a room when fitted with a hard, plastic funnel-shaped Elizabethan collar,...
Don’t be caught short. Buying health insurance for your dog will protect you in the crunch.

Why You Should Buy Pet Health Insurance — and How to Choose a...

Imagine a member of your household needing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to help diagnose a certain condition so the doctor can be sure of...

Dogs Can’t Control Their Hair Standing On End

We’ve seen people angrily tell their dogs to put down their hair when it’s standing on end because they feel their pet is being...
Being held makes a puppy secure and mature.

Pick Up the Puppy

When you bring home a young puppy, you should make a point of frequently picking her up and holding her. The more you do,...

Veterinarians: In It for the Money?

Looking at veterinarians’ salaries cynically, it would be easy to assume that at least some of them are in it for the money. After...
Oodles of poodle genes.

Labradoodle More “Oodle” than “Lab”

Unlike the goldendoodle, which is only four or five generations out from either a straight poodle or a straight golden retriever, Labradoodles (officially called...

Casual Good-Byes, Heartfelt Returns

Did you know there’s a right way to say good-bye when you depart from your dog? And a right way to say hello when...
Blue Merle Australian Shepherd Puppy, 10 Weeks Old, Looking At S

The Best Way to De-Skunk Your Dog

Your dog has been sprayed by a skunk. The most effective way to get rid of the stench is to a. bathe your pet...