Is An Electric Fence the Right Tool for Letting Your Dog Play Outside?

It might seem like an electric fence is a great idea for all dogs. Unlike an actual fence, it keeps a dog safely contained without obstructing his view in any way.

With All Training, Consistency is Key

The old saw that rules are made to be broken may be fine for people on occasion but is a disaster for dogs. Dogs are extremely uncomfortable without consistent rules, even if their behavior might have you thinking otherwise.

The Dog Wont Stop Barking, But Is Removing His Vocal Chords the Way...

Up to 7 percent of dogs are brought to veterinary behaviorists because of too much barking, but that number may underestimate the prevalence of the problem, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. In one survey, almost 13 percent of owners identified too much barking as a concern.

Dear Doctor: Dog is too modest to go while on the leash

My dog will poop only when he is off leash. It is a problem because he is very reactive, and Ive sometimes let him off leash to go to the bathroom while worrying that he might chase a bicyclist or jogger. I want him to be able to romp off leash sometimes but not all the time. How can I get him over the modesty hump?

5 Signs of Deep Affection You Wont Want to Ignore

You know your dog loves you, but sometimes she may say it and you could miss, or ignore, the cue. Here are five ways she might express love that warrant your returning the sentiment with some soft stroking and loving words. After all, youd feel a little bad if you told someone you loved them and they didnt say it back, even if you knew they felt that way.

When the Dog Wont Stop Eating Poop

First-time dog owners who have new puppies that engage in the habit of eating poop are often told its a behavior of dogs under one year of age and that their pet will grow out of it. But plenty of adult dogs eat poop, too. In a survey of 3,000 dog owners conducted by Benjamin Hart, DVM, of the veterinary school at the University of California, Davis, it was found that one in six dogs is a serious stool eater.

Fear of Fireworks

These are the times that try dogs souls - if they suffer from noise phobia, that is, which many dogs do. The booms of July 4th fireworks leave them panting, pacing, drooling, shaking, barking, and running for cover. What can you do about it?

Leash Rage

Imagine if we had to greet people by slapping them in the face, or by swearing at them before we said hello. It would get things off on the wrong foot, says the head of the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic, Stephanie Borns-Weil, DVM, and thats how it is for dogs on leashes. Meeting on leash is not natural for dogs. On their own, they approach each other tentatively, in a wide arc from the side. They evaluate the other dogs body language and determine whether to come forward or retreat. But on leash theyre forced to come face to face - with other dogs, with people. Its considered impolite in the canine world to approach too head-on. And for some dogs that are fearful, the head-on greeting may trigger aggression. They cant get away - theyre tethered to you, after all - so they feel they have no other choice. They need to guard their perimeter. Its a very common problem that I work with.

Patience, Please! Shes Sniffing.

Imagine if you came across a headline like World Peace Declared or Your Neighbor Threw a Block Party and You Werent Invited. Then, just as you were getting to the juicy part, someone pulled your head away and you couldnt learn the pertinent particulars. Thats just how it is for your dog when you yank her head away from a blade of grass that she has been sniffing for what seems like forever. Why? Because while we read our world largely with our eyes, dogs read that same world with their sense of smell.

Is Her Aggression a Response to Fear?

How many times have you heard people say their dog is less aggressive off-leash than on? Thats often because their aggression is born of fear. Off the leash, they are free to move away from whatever is making them scared - another dog, a person. But on leash, theyre stuck where you want them to be, which they might perceive as right in harms way. So they bark ferociously; they take one step forward in a threatening posture, then two steps backward to protect themselves. Sometimes, if their nerves really get the better of them, they snap.

How to Make Vet Visits for Dogs Less Scary for Them

Taking your dog to the vet on a regular basis is one of the most important things you can do as a responsible owner. If your dog is scared of the vet - or worse, if your dog is terrified of the vet - youre not alone. This is a big reason why some owners put off or avoid altogether the recommended wellness checks.

The Solution for Dogs Afraid of Slippery Floors

You may love gleaming hardwood or tile floors, but to some dogs, they are like skating rinks. Slippery floors are apt to strike fear in puppies in particular, but a dog of any age can be affected.