Maybe Memory Like an Elephant Should Be Memory Like a Dog

It has long been said that dogs dont sequence memories in their minds the way people do, that in fact they dont really have the kind of awareness of self that would allow them to recall a situation they were in at some point in the past. That is, the belief has been that they essentially live only in the present.

Copy Cats

We have often said in these pages that dogs are very social animals, to the point that they will copy each others behaviors just to copy them. To wit: Franklin never used to shake his whole body out (unless he was wet from rain or snow and I had just put on clean clothes and didnt want to get spattered with water). But then Rosie came to us with the habit. She kind of uses the shake-out as a transition from one activity to another - going from inside the house out to the driveway; going from the woods back to the car; and so on. And now, Franklin shakes, too. He doesnt know why hes doing it. Best I can figure is that he thinks, Shes shaking - I should also.

Tails from the Snipped

Eunice Davis of Norwalk, Connecticut, is concerned about her 8-year-old dog, Shadow. When other dogs come to visit, she says, the first thing he does is try to hump them. She is confused because he is neutered and wonders if its a dominance thing since it doesnt matter if the visiting dog is male or female. How can I change this behavior? she wants to know.

If We Knew What They Were Saying, Their Barking Wouldnt Be So Irritating

In her excellent book, Barking: The Sound of a Language (Dogwise Publishing), Norwegian trainer Turid Rugaas points out that people often think dogs bark as an act of aggression or to prove their dominance, or simply to annoy people. But while barking most certainly can get on peoples nerves, dogs dont bark to strut their stuff or exhibit swagger. Like us, they vocalize to express something - a warning, an emotion, a desire, happiness even.

Getting a Dog Past Submissive Urination

Often its a puppy whos overly insecure around her owners, but it can happen with adult dogs, too. The pet will scrape and bow and prostate herself on the floor to show shes the lowly one and doesnt mean any trouble. Such behavior is problematic in its own right, of course, but what can have consequences beyond emotional ones is submissive urination, say, when you come through the door at the end of the day.

Jollying a Dog Out of Fearful Submission

We have devoted no small amount of space in Your Dog to teaching people how to rein in an aggressive dog, and for good reason. Aggression is the most common behavioral problem we see, and also the most dangerous. One wrong move by an overly aggressive dog, and someone, or some dog, could get hurt — or worse. It doesn't matter whether the aggression is territorial or comes about because a dog is in pain, or even is born of fear. A dog bite (or bites) can be very serious.

Seemingly Out of Nowhere: 4 Reasons a Dog’s Behavior Changes

In the case of Ms. Cheney, her five-year-old basset hound, Otis, has begun balking about going outside. When she and her husband first adopted him about a year ago, she says, he walked very well. He is energetic and healthy. But now, loud noises agitate him to the point of refusing to go out at all, she says. Many times we can coax him out, but only briefly and just to take care of business. She is worried not just about Otis relieving himself but also about his getting the proper exercise and, at least as important, helping him relax and enjoy his walks again.

Sudden Behavior Change with Separation Anxiety

The kind of anxiety that finally triggers a change in many a dogs behavior is separation anxiety. It often occurs when the children go back to school or after Christmas break, Dr. Borns-Weil says. Having everyone around and then being left alone again puts the dog over the top. He starts acting out rather than just acting anxious or depressed.

Fear Aggression Usually Kicks In During Canine Adolescence

Vicki Hale of Georgetown, California, is concerned. Her seven-month-old Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Kingsley, has been "a very happy dog up to now" but has "started to be a little shy and has also started growling at people he does not know," she explains.

"I am not sure how to handle this," Ms. Hale says. "Is he starting to be a little protector?" She adds that he has not been neutered yet and that she would like to breed him two or three times before he is, implying that maybe his being intact is what's making him aggressive. "What can I do about the growling?" she asks.

Socializing Your Puppy Safely Before She Has Had All Her Vaccinations

You bring home your brand new puppy somewhere between the ages of 8 and 10 weeks. She has already had her first set of vaccinations, but she has at least two more rounds to go, possibly three, depending on her breed and other circumstances, such as where you live and what pathogens might be in the environment.

Words That Wound Your Dog

My dog is vindictive, clients tell Stephanie Borns-Weil, DVM, who heads the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic. Every time I go out, he [pick one] pees on the floor; trashes the house; overturns the garbage can. This assumes that dogs plot to get back at you, she says, causing destruction or eliminating in the house because theyre angry that you left and seek revenge. Its a major misunderstanding."

Should Your Aggressive Dog Take Medication?

We deal with aggression in the clinic every single day and have for the last 30 years, says Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, DACVA, DACVB, a world-renowned animal behaviorist. It is the number one behavior problem across the board. Fully 70 percent of the cases that come into the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic are about aggression. …