Are Acorns Toxic to Dogs?
Why does Cappy lick his owners hand?
[From Tufts August 2011 Issue]
Last year I purchased a 3-month-old mahogany colored poodle with green eyes - a beautiful dog. I have had mostly springer spaniels for many years, and this guy has a habit that stumps me.Cappy will take my wrist or hand gently in his mouth and rub his tongue across my skin. I have asked many experts what he is doing, but none can come up with an answer except, He owns you. Is there some reason he does this?
Irene Byington
Shelter Island, N.Y.
Tan-Tan Chases Anything That Moves
[From Tufts December 2011 Issue]
We want to know how we can help my dog. Tan-Tan is a 4-year-old, 60-pound German shepherd mix. When she sees squirrels, deer, etc., in the woods, she runs and chases them. She also does this when she sees cars on the street. We try to distract her with treats and call her name; however, nothing works. Once she sees something moving, she can focus only on one thing. In the house, she is very good following commands. Is there anything we can do help her?
This Dog Has Serious ‘Tissue Issues’
Three simple steps to modify fear aggression – you start with a beardless...
Get Your Leash
Turn Off the Light
Shake Hands – Left and Right
Identifying Canine Stress
Our canine friends become stressed for the same reasons we do, says On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals. First and foremost, that means situations where they do not feel they can cope but also instances in which they feel the threat of pain or discomfort.
They show it by exhibiting calming signals — signals that, to another dog, are invitations to relax because no harm is meant. If you see these calming signals in your dog, try to figure out what you can do to limit his stress.