Are Acorns Toxic to Dogs?

I have read on several Web sites that eating acorns and oak leaves can cause acute or chronic renal failure in dogs. Is this true? And, if so, how can you tell if a dog that eats acorns or oak leaves has damaged kidneys if he doesnt have any symptoms?

Why does Cappy lick his owners hand?

[From Tufts August 2011 Issue]

Last year I purchased a 3-month-old mahogany colored poodle with green eyes - a beautiful dog. I have had mostly springer spaniels for many years, and this guy has a habit that stumps me.Cappy will take my wrist or hand gently in his mouth and rub his tongue across my skin. I have asked many experts what he is doing, but none can come up with an answer except, He owns you. Is there some reason he does this?
Irene Byington
Shelter Island, N.Y.

Tan-Tan Chases Anything That Moves

[From Tufts December 2011 Issue]

We want to know how we can help my dog. Tan-Tan is a 4-year-old, 60-pound German shepherd mix. When she sees squirrels, deer, etc., in the woods, she runs and chases them. She also does this when she sees cars on the street. We try to distract her with treats and call her name; however, nothing works. Once she sees something moving, she can focus only on one thing. In the house, she is very good following commands. Is there anything we can do help her?

This Dog Has Serious ‘Tissue Issues’

Our dog, Legolas, a Lagotto Romagnolo, is obsessed with eating paper. If you leave a juicy filet mignon unattended on the table, our dog will make a swoop and steal the napkin. If you try to blow your nose in his presence, he might just take your nose off trying to snatch the tissue. Does he have some diet deficiency? Patty Wendel Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. …

Three simple steps to modify fear aggression – you start with a beardless...

[From Tufts February 2011 Issue] My favorite approach to modifying fear aggression is counter conditioning and desensitization. Theyre often the easiest for dog owners to practice on their own without the constant presence of an assistant to help them. They work to change your dogs association with an aversive stimulus from negative to positive by pairing it with something wonderful. …

Get Your Leash

Teach It: Your dog will fetch his leash from its regular spot, either upon your command or whenever he wants to go for a walk. 1. Introduce the word leash to your dog by using it each time you put it on him. Toss his leash playfully and tell him to fetch leash." Youll want to secure the metal clasp within the leash so your dog doesnt bonk himself in the head with it in his exuberance!…

Turn Off the Light

Teach It:Your dog will learn to paw a light switch on the wall, turning the lights on or off. A flat, rocker light switch is easiest, especially for flipping the switch to the up position. Small dogs may require a stool placed under the switch. 1. Hold a treat against the wall a little above the light switch and encourage your dog with lights, get it! Let him have the treat when he is able to…

Shake Hands – Left and Right

Teach It: When shaking hands, your polite pooch raises his paw to chest height, allowing guests to shake his paw. This skill is taught for both paws. 1. With your dog sitting before you, hide a treat in your right hand, low to the ground. Encourage your dog to paw at it by saying get it and Shake. Reward your dog with the treat the moment his left paw comes off the ground. …

Identifying Canine Stress

Our canine friends become stressed for the same reasons we do, says On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals. First and foremost, that means situations where they do not feel they can cope but also instances in which they feel the threat of pain or discomfort.

They show it by exhibiting calming signals — signals that, to another dog, are invitations to relax because no harm is meant. If you see these calming signals in your dog, try to figure out what you can do to limit his stress.

Two Wheels, Four Legs

On the very first page of the very first chapter of his acclaimed book, The Well-Adjusted Dog, Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic Director Nicholas Dodman,...

Is Your Dog Training You?

Do you ever feel like your dog is training you rather than the other way around? Maybe teaching you to let her have some ice cream by looking at you with adoring eyes? Or letting you know that pawing at you means she wants to be petted and not giving up until you follow through? Or somehow ending up sleeping on the bed every night even though you swore that youd never let a dog do that?

Pit Bulls: Killer Dogs or a Much Maligned Breed?

Its very confusing. On one hand a video of a little girl feeding a half dozen sweet-natured, velvety-looking pit bulls goes viral, sending a message that the breed does not deserve the reputation of aggressive biters and killers. On the other, you hear stories of pit bulls attacking and taking the lives of other dogs-and people. Cities and states enact legislation either banning them outright or allowing them only with strict controls.