Case of Canine Envy
Q: I have a whippet, Greta, and a Border collie, Lex. Both are rescues whom I adopted last year within a couple of months of each other. Greta about three and Lex is perhaps four years old. Whenever I rub Greta's belly or give her any special attention, Lex seems to appear out of nowhere and starts to paw at my arm or even lets out a slight growl at Greta. Is Lex acting jealous? How can I give Greta some one-on-one time without Lex butting in?
A: You won't find envy in the canine dictionary, but the phrase "mine, mine, mine" certainly exists. Lex's behavior is triggered more by resource guarding than by jealousy over the attention Greta receives. Watch closely the next time Greta and Lex play with a toy and you can identify clear canine communication. Chances are that one will body block the other or lift an upper lip or make steady eye contact - signals that possession is nine-tenths of the law in the land of dogs. As hunters and pack animals, dogs have always demonstrated a "this is mine" attitude toward other canines when it comes to prized possessions, from the best part of the kill to a fuzzy chew toy.
When you rub Greta's belly, Lex steps in because he wants to guard the most valuable of all possessions - you.
Off the Sofa!
Q: My three-year old beagle is a delight, but he has one vice: He insists on jumping up onto my furniture. His spiky hair gets embedded in the upholstery until it's nearly impossible to clean. I've tried putting old bed sheets on the furniture when I'm gone, but when I come home I find the sheets on the floor and Peppy happily snoozing on the sofa. I got him about a year ago from a rescue group and can only assume that he was allowed to get up on the sofa in his previous home. I'm planning to purchase nicer furniture and upgrade the interior of my house soon. Before I do, I want to find a way to end Peppy's possession of my sofa. How can I accomplish this?
A: Credit Peppy for having the good sense to bypass boring bare floors and seek a comfy sofa for his snooze sessions. However, it's your house and he needs to play by your rules. First, you need to provide him with a designated spot of his own. Before you begin picking out your new furniture, buy Peppy a comfy bed and put it in a spot where he will still feel...
How Effective Are Products to Calm Your Anxious Dog?
The Dog Has a New Hankering for the Trash
(The Culture Clash Tip#1)The Dominance Panacea
Tug of War
Jumping Up
(The Culture Clash Tip #5) Training Regressions
Marathon Barker
Q: How can I get my beagle, Jake, to stop barking whenever someone rings my doorbell, knocks on my front door, or walk past my house? A few barks are okay, but Jake barks on and on and at a volume so high that I want to take out my hearing aid so I dont have to hear his noise. When I yell at him to stop he ignores me and barks even louder.
(The Dog Answer Behavior Book Tip#3) Having Spot Find His Spot
Q: When I get ready to leave the house and when I first come in the front door, my dog is always underfoot. She wiggles her whole body, wags her tail a mile a minute, tries to jump on me, and gives me kisses. More than once, I've spilled a bag of groceries because I've tripped over her or tried to reach down to pet her in an attempt to quiet her down. I love Katie, but what can I do so that I can come and go without this over-the-top demonstration of affection?
A: Now you know how a rock star or other celebrity feels when surrounded by adoring but obnoxious fans. Katie is doing all she can to deliver canine love your way,
Tug Games
The game of Tug has an undeserved bad rap in some training circles, while others, most notably the Agility world, have fully embraced it as an excellent activity to create focus and high arousal. Those two extremes aside, its a great game just because its fun, many dogs adore it, its the perfect play activity for human family members who might otherwise want to get in appropriately physical with the dog and its a terrific energy-burner.
One of the most commonly-heard myths about playing Tug is that it makes the dog dominant. Theres so much misinformation passed around about hierarchy in dogs - this is just another log on the fire. If you are concerned about what Tug might do to your relationship with your dog, just remember that the definition of leader is the one who controls the good stuff, and orchestrate your Tug-play accordingly.