Dear Doctor
Letters to the Tufts Veterinarians - The puppy wont stop piddling indoors; Hates needles but needs to keep her dog alive
Measuring Your Dog’s Aggression
The onset of aggression in dogs often starts at the age of physical maturity, somewhere between eight months and two years of age. And its not all aggression all the time. People say to me, 98 percent of the time my dog is great, Dr. Borns-Weil relates. Its only two percent of the time that he goes off. But that two percent can make life with an aggressive dog extremely difficult and unpleasant, if not downright miserable.
Which dogs are most apt to exhibit aggression?
When it comes to owner-directed aggression, male dogs are more apt to have the problem than females. Thats especially true if theyre intact. Neutering decreases owner-directed aggression by 25 to 30 percent. Specific breeds that tend to be brought to the behavior clinic for aggression, at least in one study conducted at Tufts, include German shepherds, cocker spaniels, and mixed breeds.
Dear Doctor
Letters to Tufts Veterinarians - The dog is afraid of strangers; The tumor is grade 2; Infected with tick-borne Ehrlichia
Will the Barking Ever End?
What can be more obnoxious than a dog who just wont shut up? Behavior modification is key to changing a dogs habits that you find unacceptable, including the habit of barking excessively. Training a pet is not difficult, the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association reminds dog owners. But it does require time, energy, consistency, and a commitment to long-term care...
The Difficult Dog Dilemma
The editor connects two Your Dog readers to help a dog who finds it hard to trust his human family.
When the Barking is Born of Separation Anxiety
Many times barking is not about territoriality or boredom but, rather, is a result of separation anxiety. A dog simply cannot bear for his owners to leave him alone in the house and vocalizes from distress. Unfortunately, separation anxiety is a difficult problem to treat - dogs who suffer from it suffer acutely. And theres often recidivism. Even once its dealt with successfully, theres a tendency to backslide, with a renewal of efforts required. But there are strategies that have been shown to be helpful.
Dear Doctor
Letters to Tufts Veterinarians - The dog is staring too hard; A tumor on the backside
Body Language: Is It a Behavioral Quirk Or Something More Serious?
You're done playing fetch but with a toss of her head and a pointed snap into the air, your dog informs you that you will continue. It's a bit of bossiness that makes you laugh. Teeth clicking is another sign that play has become awfully boisterous, or even aggressive, and that a dog might have gotten carried away with her excitement. …
A Dogs Inner Compass
Wed put it more in the category of human interest than important scientific finding about dogs, but in an unlikely research project, German and Czechoslovakian researchers have discovered what they say is a correlation between how dogs position themselves when doing their business and the Earths magnetic field. That is, they appear to show a preference for aligning their bodies with the north-south axis when relieving themselves. …
Dear Doctor
Letters to Tufts Veterinarians - She refuses to go out willingly; Coughing Without any Apparent Cause
The Dog Who Mistook Her Owner For an Enemy
We wanted to show a photo of Gracie the Bassett hound with her new owner, Mike Phillips. But that would have been impossible, reports Mr. Phillipss wife, Beth. Gracie wont go near him. She is terrified of him, Mrs. Phillips says. She stalks him when he is moving around, barking non-stop, but as soon as he comes towards her, she shies away from him and runs. …