Does Your Dog Suffer from Motion Sickness in the Car, or is it Anxiety?

The image of a dog sticking his head out the car window is iconic. Even though it’s unsafe because it means he’s not safely...

When a Play Bow Is Not a Play Bow

We’ve all seen it. A dog stretches out her front legs and leans down on her elbows with her chest to the ground but...

Why You Shouldn’t Leave a 4-Year-Old Alone with a Dog

We have often said that leaving a dog and a child younger than 6 alone together is not a good idea. That’s true no...

New Thinking on the Right Way to Help a Dog with Conflict Aggression

If a dog gives a warning bark or snaps when the person who takes care of her goes near her food bowl or picks...

Why Won’t My Dog Settle Down at Night?

It’s people with cats who frequently say their pet can’t settle in for the night and keep them up with their weehour wanderings throughout...

Crate Uses

Q: You said in a recent issue that the only time to lock a crate is during potty training. But what does someone do...

How Well Can You Read Your Dog?

Are you readily able to understand the expressions your dog makes? The answer is more likely to be “yes” if your dog has a...

If a Service Dog Comes Over to You

You know that you’re not supposed to pet a service dog without obtaining permission first from the dog’s person. The dog is working and...

Listen Up! You Can Make Your Deaf Dog a Lot Safer — and Happier!

As many as one in 10 dogs is deaf in one or both ears, according to the American Kennel Club. And many dogs that...

Anxious, Fearful, or Confident?

See if you can profile the dogs in these three scenarios: 1. A dog acts aggressively toward other dogs, lunging, barking angrily, and charging forward...

Truly Hungry, Or Just Bored?

A number of years ago, the American Animal Hospital Association published a chart listing a number of things that stand in the way of...

Some Dogs Are Fools for Pools!

Indoor dog gyms are on the rise all over the country, and we’re all for the trend. In some locales, for months on end...