Therapy Dogs in Funeral Homes
While some people may consider a funeral service or a viewing to be an inappropriate venue for a dog, more and more funeral homes...
When Your Male Dog Urinates Like a Girl
You know how it works. Male dogs lift a leg to urinate; females squat. But sometimes a male dog squats to void urine as...
What’s In a Name? (A Lot, Actually)
Duchess, Lassie, Champ, and Spot are out. Lucy, Maggie, Max, and Charlie are in. Why the shift in the names we give our dogs?...
Authoritative Versus Authoritarian
Many of us have high expectations of our dogs, but how we respond to them when they follow through successfully makes all the difference...
Now Coming to Your Home: An Indoor Obstacle Course For Your Dog
The temperature outside has plummeted, and neither you nor your dog feels like being outside for very long. Or the temperature outside has skyrocketed,...
Are You Fluent in the Language of Canine Stress?
Sure, you know that if your dog tucks her tail between her legs, she’s feeling terribly afraid, or at least extremely uncomfortable. It’s a...
Taking it in the knee
Q: My dog pokes her nose into my knee when we’re out walking and I stop to talk with someone, or when she decides...
He won’t “go” while on the leash
Q: We have a couple of parks near our house where dogs are allowed to romp off-leash, and it is in those parks that...
Short Takes November 2022
Bladder Cancer: Much More Serious In Dogs
n Any type of malignant tumor is serious, of course, but the good news for people is that...
The One Risk Factor for Canine Compulsive Behavior You Can Do Something About
Chasing his own tail to the point of sheer exhaustion, licking his ankles and feet until he strips off his skin, continuously snapping at...
When Your Dog Becomes an Overzealous Nanny
You’re walking your new baby in the carriage with the dog alongside, and a neighbor sees you and comes over to have a peek....
You May Be Using Aversive Training Techniques Without Knowing It
You know never to hit your dog and would never intentionally do anything to harm her. You know, too, that the best way to...