Don’t Let Your Dog’s Light-Up Collar Flash On and Off
Especially during these short days of the year, light-up collars and leashes are great for taking your dog for that last piddle in the...
What’s On Your Dog’s Favorite Playlist?
An easy and surefire way to calm a dog who’s anxious, perhaps because you’re not home, is to leave on some music. A number...
Dog Dates: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly?
Read this article with your smart phone nearby, your appointment book, or your wall calendar. You won’t need to jot down dates for things...
Warnings About Corn in Dog Food Unfounded
Some pet foods advertise that they have “no corn” as if corn is a dangerous or “bad” ingredient for dogs. It’s not. Corn meal...
Adjusting the Dog to the Toothbrush
James and Barbara Reed of Rockport, Massachusetts, are trying to get their 11-year-old shih tzu to accept a toothbrush. They adopted Wylie recently from...
Why Won’t My Dog Settle Down at Night?
It’s people with cats who frequently say their pet can’t settle in for the night and keep them up with their weehour wanderings throughout...
How Well Can You Read Your Dog?
Are you readily able to understand the expressions your dog makes? The answer is more likely to be “yes” if your dog has a...
How to Give the Vet a Proper Diet History
Unless a dog is still a puppy, most veterinary visits tend to include little to no discussion about diet. Sometimes, however, what a dog...
Can dogs tolerate lactose?
Q: Are dogs lactose intolerant? My dog gets tiny bits of cheese for doing tricks, but I wonder if I’ve been rewarding him with...
The dog won’t eat from her bowl
Q: Why does my dog always take her food far from her bowl before eating it?
Trini Abramowitz
New York, New York
Dear Ms. Abramowitz,
A:“Dogs can be...
Short Takes November 2023
Post-Clipping Bacterial Infection
n Sometimes, after a dog’s hair has been clipped or even simply after he has been bathed, an infection develops. You might...
The Right Amount of Exercise Depends on Your Dog’s Age
Physical activity for a dog isn’t just about managing his weight, maintaining heart health, or slowing the muscle loss that comes with age and...