Short Takes

Hair Dryers for Dogs

After a bath, a dog gets as much as 70 percent of the way to dry by herself as she shakes off the water...

What’s In a Name? (A Lot, Actually)

Duchess, Lassie, Champ, and Spot are out. Lucy, Maggie, Max, and Charlie are in. Why the shift in the names we give our dogs?...

Reduced-Calorie May Not Mean What You Think

If your pet is overweight and you are trying to manage his calorie consumption, don’t automatically assume a dog food labeled “reduced-calorie” is low...

Authoritative Versus Authoritarian

Many of us have high expectations of our dogs, but how we respond to them when they follow through successfully makes all the difference...

Detecting Flea Bites

It’s easy to see flea bites on ourselves because we’re not covered head to toe in dense hair. The telltale raised red dots...

Dogs Can Get Monkeypox

Cases of monkeypox have fallen substantially — a good thing. But the painful disease is still out there, and dogs can and do...

Don’t Try to Remove the Porcupine 
Quills Yourself!

Porcupines don’t live in the south (except for the mountains of Virginia) but do reside in the rest of the country. And where they...

You Can’t Catch a Stray—You Can Coax It

If you see a loose dog that you’d like to help but the dog is afraid and keeps moving away from you as you...

The American Kennel Club Recognizes 
Its 200th Breed

It looks like a bloodhound mix, but it’s a Bracco Italiano, the latest breed to be recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Like...

The Queen Knew Dogs’ Power to Calm

David Nott is a Welsh surgeon who has worked on the front lines in some of the world’s most dangerous war zones. When he...

Short Takes November 2022

Bladder Cancer: Much More Serious In Dogs n Any type of malignant tumor is serious, of course, but the good news for people is that...

Short Takes: October 2022

Why Dogs Eat Grass n Some people say their dog eats grass to help himself throw up when he has stomach upset. Others say their...