Short Takes

Short Takes: August 2022

Canine Itching Remedy In 
Your Own Medicine Chest Just like us, sometimes dogs get a nasty itch that keeps them scratching. A short-term treatment can...

Rawhide Not Like Chewing Gum In Terms of Calories

Because your dog takes time chewing a piece of rawhide, you might assume it’s like chewing gum and doesn’t provide any (or many) calories,...

May I Pet You?

While we accept that cats don’t want to be petted by everyone and have to be approached respectfully, it’s easy to forget that dogs...

Removing That Tick Completely

Tick season is 12 months long in most parts of the country, but the disease-carrying insects certainly do flourish in warmer weather. Even if...

Short Takes May 2022

They Really Are as Amazing as Lassie n Here’s the story in a nutshell: A man’s car flipped over in the Vermont snow this past...

Short Takes April 2022

Exploring a Less Invasive Treatment for Bone Cancer n The standard treatment for the most common type of bone cancer to befall dogs — osteosarcoma —...

Short Takes: March 2022

For Those with Dogs Who Cower Many dogs handle their fear with aggression. But others cower. They hide, pull away while on leash, and sometimes just...
Yes, but can a dog who is always carried like this learn to socialize?

Little Yappy Dogs

Imagine if short, slight people were laughed at and called “cute” every time they acted aggressively, or even rudely? Or if they were coddled...

Dear Doctor: Overactive anal glands

Q. My dog seems to have very active anal glands. She will release them whenever we are in the car and lots of times...
Oodles of poodle genes.

Labradoodle More “Oodle” than “Lab”

Unlike the goldendoodle, which is only four or five generations out from either a straight poodle or a straight golden retriever, Labradoodles (officially called...

Dear Doctor: For most reliable advice, .com, .org, or .edu?

Q. If I’m looking for information about how to care for my pet on the Internet, it’s better to go with a website that...

Dogs from Lab Experiments Can Now Be Adopted Rather Than Euthanized

It used to be that dogs no longer needed in Food and Drug Administration lab research were put down before they ever knew what...