In Protecting Your Dog, You May Be “Muddying the Waters”

Used incorrectly, flea and tick preventatives can contaminate aquatic life in ponds.


You dutifully apply a topical flea and tick preventative between your dog’s shoulder blades every month or have him wear a collar to repel those disease-carrying insects. But you also frequently take him to a pond to swim, which he loves so much. You follow doctor’s orders with the topical and wait two days before letting your pet go in the water so the medicine will remain on his skin, but still, some of it could wash off. And the more often you take him, the more medicine that’s going to end up in the water. It’s the same with a flea and tick collar. The more frequently your dog goes swimming, the less effective the collar is going to be. It turns out it’s not only a problem for the dog.

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